Scholarship Rules:
Enter for a chance to win admission to the next Girls Love To Fly Private Pilot In-Person Ground School starting March 1, 2025.
Let us know if you're local or out-of-area, as we have limited in-person spots and Zoom spots!
Enter by February 15th! Email with subject line, "In-Person Ground School Giveaway."
Best of luck!
ForeFlight Pro Plus Subscription Giveaway! Perks you'll be getting:
Available as an app on IOS devices only!
Deadline: March 1, 2025
Enter for a chance to win the King Schools Scholarship Giveaway through Girls Love To Fly!
To apply:
1. You must be a member with GLTF to qualify. Check out our membership page if you aren't!
2. Email with subject line, "King Schools Scholarship" and let us know which course this giveaway would help you with, and how it would impact your aviation journey!
Deadline: May 1
Enter for a chance to win the CAE Women In Flight $2000 Scholarship Giveaway through Girls Love To Fly!
See the infographic details to apply & follow submission guidelines accordingly.
Best of luck!
Deadline: June 1
Enter for a chance to win a Flight Apprentice Ground School Scholarship!
How to enter:
1. Email Girls Love To Fly at with subject line "Monthly Flight Apprentice"
3. Introduce yourself and tell us how this scholarship will help you in your flight training.
Stay tuned on our social medias for winner announcement.
Good luck everyone!
Deadline is the 1st of each month.
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